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Here is a delicate introduction to the books which were created to cause a stir within your mind the soul. From inspirational to spiritually dramatic these words promises to keep you enthralled and surprised.  There will definitely be a feeling of familiarity in many scenarios as the characters reveal themselves and the words touch your innerbeing. Get ready to be deeply moved.

By Faith


By faith is a compilation of short stories that seeks to reach out to the mystic yet the lover of the adventures of the esoteric in all things along with acknowledging the presence of the Divine in all aspects of life. Simply worded yet ambiguous in detail promises to be exciting from beginning to end. This is indeed wisdom through entertainment. 

126 pages paperback

size: 6x9

Description: glossy cover white pages 

When It All Comes Down


From the deep churning milky waters I came up and thenceforth proceeded to dance. Every step I made diadems emitted from my feet like tender petals of a rose surrounding me. An epic story of a queen who caused the fall of her throne because of jealousy. A series of bad choices led her to dwell alone with the dust of her beloved Engedi. An enthralling creation concept created for those who doubt.

Testimony of Love


A series of poems dedicated to the Love found from submission to the One powerful and unseen. Via tripled sectioned poems the revelation of how love and the option to remain faithful was used to transfer knowledge and unknown phenomenon as a reward to the willing and chosen recipient in order that it may be revealed in it's due time.

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